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Tag Archives for " Calendar March 2022 "

Day 21: World Poetry Day

And today, it’s World Poetry Day.I’m studying for an MA in Creative Writing at the moment. Creative Nonfiction is my main genre, and poetry is my secondary choice—something I’d not done much


Day 20: World Storytelling Day

Let’s really put the WORLD into World Storytelling Day this year.There are amazing stories and books from hundreds of years of British and American and European cultures, and many of them are books


Day 19: Sleepovers

I have social anxiety, did I mention it?Not just the usual stuff everyone says they have; I mean, I need a shower after saying “hello” to a stranger.People are surprised by this because apparently


Day 18: Awkward moments

“You just open up your legs and stuff it in,” I explained.Then stared, baffled, as everyone at the table collapsed in gales of laughter.“What? WHAT?”Let me provide some context. We were on a


Day 17: Snakes in the rain

Did you know St Patrick was supposed to have driven all the snakes out of Ireland?By which They mean, all the pagans.Because St Patrick returned to Ireland to convert all the unbelievers to Christianity.He


Day 16: Baby pandas, mate. ADORABLE

It is National Panda Day today and honestly if someone offered me a job looking after baby pandas, I’d drop all this in a heartbeat.Maybe.They are SO CUTE though.What do you find super-cute? Maybe


Day 15: What skills do you want to improve?

I have a quiet little loathing for the word “better”.I hates it.It’s vague and meaningless and it lets us off the hook.Like when people promise, “I’ll help you become a better writer.” I


Day 14: National Write Your Story Day

At the beginning of March, it was World Book Day—today is write your story day.So tell me: what’s your story?That’s quite a big question, though, so I’ll narrow it down. What’s your origin


Day 13: Your favourite jewellery

Jewellery’s a funny thing. Since time immemorial, humans have decorated their bodies with shiny stuff.Some of the earliest human burials contain jewellery.Even some animals wear “jewellery”—like


Day 12: Saturday tea

On Saturdays when I was little, teatime would always be the same.I’d have been dancing in the morning, then horseriding all afternoon, working in the stables in return for a lesson.Then I’d have

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