We spend so much time on our to-do lists, but how many of us have a TA DA! list?Me. I do.The only way I can get through each day is with multiple to-do lists, reminders, and notes to myself; the joys
Read more...I know it sounds like a cliche, but it’s true: trying new stuff, staying curious, boosts creativity.It boosts our brains and our mental health.It keeps us youthful, as Collette Maze would probably
Read more...For me, it’s my office.My purpose-built, wooden cabin in the Dingle.It’s quiet and calm and beautiful and spacious and it makes me smile every time I walk into it.I feel so lucky and blessed—I
Read more...I flipping love Lady Gaga.I’ve heard her described as “the new Madonna” and I can see why; but that’s doing her a disservice.She’s obviously influenced by Madonna, and has said as much, but
Read more...It’s ma birthday today!So it got me thinking: what’s the most memorable birthday gift you ever received?Or the one that meant the most to you?Last year, Joe filled the house with daffodils on my
Read more...I was looking at some old photos the other day. Teenage me was heavy into tie-dye, fringed skirts, army jackets, and DMs (that’s Doc Martens for you digital animals). I’d pair a floaty dress with some
Read more...I was looking at some old photos the other day.Teenage me was heavy into tie-dye, fringed skirts, army jackets, and DMs (that’s Doc Martens for you digital animals).I’d pair a floaty dress with some
Read more...I used to love a cocktail. These days, I’m a mocktail gal.Either way, a blend of flavours exploding on my tongue is a delight—and the sillier and more extravagant the drink, the better.There’s
Read more...What do you secretly wish for?The thing you’re afraid to say out loud in case you’re ridiculed or judged?What do you want—really really want?That’s today’s writing prompt.Set a timer for 5
Read more...One of my favourite reality shows is Queer Eye, and one of my fave Queer Guys is Jonathan Van Ness.He’s like a puppy.But the reason I really love him is his insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm about,