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Tag Archives for " Calendar March 2022 "

Day 31: Celebrate your month

We spend so much time on our to-do lists, but how many of us have a TA DA! list?Me. I do.The only way I can get through each day is with multiple to-do lists, reminders, and notes to myself; the joys


Day 30: When did you last try something new?

I know it sounds like a cliche, but it’s true: trying new stuff, staying curious, boosts creativity.It boosts our brains and our mental health.It keeps us youthful, as Collette Maze would probably


Day 29: Where do you feel most peaceful?

For me, it’s my office.My purpose-built, wooden cabin in the Dingle.It’s quiet and calm and beautiful and spacious and it makes me smile every time I walk into it.I feel so lucky and blessed—I


Day 28: Happy birthday Lady Gaga!

I flipping love Lady Gaga.I’ve heard her described as “the new Madonna” and I can see why; but that’s doing her a disservice.She’s obviously influenced by Madonna, and has said as much, but


Day 27: Happy birthday to me!

It’s ma birthday today!So it got me thinking: what’s the most memorable birthday gift you ever received?Or the one that meant the most to you?Last year, Joe filled the house with daffodils on my


Day 26: How much stuff do you have?

I was looking at some old photos the other day. Teenage me was heavy into tie-dye, fringed skirts, army jackets, and DMs (that’s Doc Martens for you digital animals). I’d pair a floaty dress with some


Day 25: The style council

I was looking at some old photos the other day.Teenage me was heavy into tie-dye, fringed skirts, army jackets, and DMs (that’s Doc Martens for you digital animals).I’d pair a floaty dress with some


Day 24: National Cocktail Day

I used to love a cocktail. These days, I’m a mocktail gal.Either way, a blend of flavours exploding on my tongue is a delight—and the sillier and more extravagant the drink, the better.There’s


Day 23: Your secret wishes

What do you secretly wish for?The thing you’re afraid to say out loud in case you’re ridiculed or judged?What do you want—really really want?That’s today’s writing prompt.Set a timer for 5


Day 22: Getting curious

One of my favourite reality shows is Queer Eye, and one of my fave Queer Guys is Jonathan Van Ness.He’s like a puppy.But the reason I really love him is his insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm about,

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