Day 29: Where do you feel most peaceful?

For me, it’s my office.

My purpose-built, wooden cabin in the Dingle.

It’s quiet and calm and beautiful and spacious and it makes me smile every time I walk into it.

I feel so lucky and blessed—I worked for so long in a corner of the room in a house that we’re renovating and it was fraught with stress and guilt.

Stress because being surrounded by dust and mess and renovations is just generally stressful.

Guilt because this was Joe’s home too, and there I was taking up a whole room with my messy brain junk scattered everywhere.

So it’s my office. My oasis.

I look forward to walking through the door every single day.

Oh and also: Marloes Beach in Pembrokeshire, which is where we had most of our childhood holidays. I leave a little piece of my heart behind every time we come home. One day, it’ll all be there and I’ll have to move.

Where do you feel most peaceful?

Set a timer for 5 minutes, and write…

Happy writing!



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Notes in the Margin

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About the Author Vicky Fraser
