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Day 11: Your First Holiday

Writing yesterday’s prompt about what home means prompted today’s prompt...What was your first holiday? Or, perhaps, the first one you remember?I have a memory, and I’m sure its false because I


Day 10: Where do you feel most at home?

What does home mean to you?Do you have more than one place you call home?Or is home a person?For me, home is Joe, and our cats.And it’s The Dingle and our village.And it’s Pembrokeshire in south


Day 9: British Pie Week

Look, I’m British. Which means I have an affinity for pie.A golden buttery crust filled with potato, veg, and gravy... or a sparkly sweet crust filled with apples and blackberries, and served with


Day 8: International Women’s Day

Shout out the incredible women who lift you up and fill your soul!Write about the women in your life who are magnificent, and why they deserve to be lauded as QUEENS.There are so many amazing women in


Day 7: Sock Monkey Day

It’s true: today is Sock Monkey Day and it’s time for a confession.I have never made a sock puppet.Ever.Have you?Perhaps today is the day when you take one of your old odd socks—we’ve all got


Day 6: A Sunday roast

In the UK, it’s customary to eat a big roast dinner on a Sunday.Not every Sunday for me; in fact, pretty rarely these days, so it’s a treat.But as a child, it was always a Sunday roast, and if we


Day 5: St Piran’s Day

Well, in compiling this calendar of prompts, I learn all sorts of things—and today, I learned about St Piran.St Piran is central to the culture and identity of Cornwall and Cornish people. He’s their


Day 4: Funnest job you’ve ever had

And now—what’s the funnest thing you’ve ever done for money?I would say keep it clean, but this is your writing time, so tell yourself the story (and feel free to share it if you like, the hashtags


Day 3: What’s the most boring job you’ve ever done?

The most boring thing I’ve ever done for money?A temp job in my late teens, data entry—does such a thing even exist anymore?—that I finished so fast I’d spend half the day catatonic.I wasn’t


Day 2: Share your old stuff

It’s National Old Stuff day today. A day of searching out buried treasure in your home, garage, shed...So today’s prompt is: what’s the coolest old stuff you’ve ever found in your house, or maybe

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