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Day 20: What stories have you read this week?

Could be stories in a book.Could be stories in an email or article.Could be stories on a podcast.Could be stories in a newspaper or journal.Which ones have stuck with you? Why? What made them stand out


Day 19 How were you creative today?

Quick question today for you: how were you creative?Could be anything—not necessarly writing or even art, in the obvious arty sense.Maybe you solved a problem creatively, or did some DIY, or tried


Day 18: What made you feel rich as a kid?

Ooh this is a good question.Cos we never had a SodaStream and some of our friends did—our friends who were slightly richer than we were. So I always thought of the SodaStream as the pinnacle of wealth


Day 17: Your evening routine

Everyone looooves to bang on about their morning routines, probably because of that book Miracle Morning.And no shade here—my day lives or dies on my morning routine.But it also lives or dies on my


Day 16: White dog poo

Do you remember white dog poo?I do.It used to be everywhere, all over pavements and things when I was a kid. I don’t mean that to sound like we were swimming in dogshit; we weren’t. But it was ubiquitous.That


Day 15: Choose a hat

…any hat.Some people look amazing in hats. I’m one of them. Not all hats; some of them don’t suit my tiny little head.But I love a hat, it hides a multitude of terrible hair days and I have a lot


Day 14: If you could do anything…

If I were to give you a huge pile of cash—enough to live comfortably on after paying the bills for two years—what would you create?(Note for clarity: I’m not giving you any cash.)Imagine that for


Day 13: The Oxford Comma

I’m not a grammar pedant. I won’t shame people for misusing apostrophes or misspelling words.But I will fight anyone who tries to claim the Oxford Comma is unnecessary.It’s elegant. It’s beautiful.


Day 12: Least favourite class?

What was your least favourite class at school?Mine was chemistry. Not because chemistry’s boring; it isn’t. It’s fascinating. I loved nothing more than flinging chemicals together to see what happened.And


Day 11: Favourite spice blend?

I know this is really random but bear with me: what’s your favourite spice blend?What I’m really asking is: what does it remind you of?Mine is dukkah, an Egyptian spice blend heavy on the cumin.

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