Day 19 How were you creative today?

Quick question today for you: how were you creative?

Could be anything—not necessarly writing or even art, in the obvious arty sense.

Maybe you solved a problem creatively, or did some DIY, or tried some new makeup or a hairdo.

Set a timer for 5 minutes and write about how you were creative today.

If you’re stuck, and this prompt isn’t get you unstuck, try these templates instead. They’re fabulous, and among them are some silly writing games guaranteed to get you making your mark on paper and smiling.

Happy writing!



p.s. Connect with me on Instagram and share your experience with the community. Share your writing if you want to—we'd love to read it! Tag @tinybeetlesteps and follow the hashtags #moxieSEPTEMBER and #tinybeetlesteps

p.p.s. If Instagram isn't your thing, you can also find me on LinkedIn and Twitter, and use those hashtags there too!

Notes in the Margin

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About the Author Vicky Fraser
