Category Archives for Inner Dickhead

Make the Uncomfortable Comfortable

There are some people who do not have a fear response. In the face of danger, they laugh and run towards it (literally). One of the causes is an unusual genetic disorder called Urbach-Wiethe disease,


Like Wholesome Cocaine for Your Soul

On March 16, 2020, like an unwound clock, I stopped.That’s the day we went into lockdown in the UK. I only expected to stop for a few days — to recover from the whiplash of a global pandemic —


There’s a row on the internet

Last week, there was a row on my Facebook timeline.Well, not so much a row, as a demonstration of white male privilege at its worst.In the face of dozens of women sharing stories and actual facts and


Your body is incredible

My body is a thing of wonder.And so is yours.I’m two weeks into a six-week handstand course right now and the teacher, Kyle Wieger, is super. Yes, there’s lots of drills and skills and strength and


The horrors of tight jumpers

Tight jumpers (I remember having a meltdown as a child because my mum made me wear a blouse with puffy sleeves, then put a tight cardigan on over the top. Got the panicky sweats just thinking about it


This is your brain ? on knowledge

​The more I learn about anything, the more I realise I don't know much at all.Learning is bizarre because our brains get everything barse-ackwards.When we know nothing at all about a subject, and we


Why do I always procrastinate?

Are we asking the right questions?I don't always ask good questions. I ask obvious ones.Like, "Why do I always procrastinate?"When I ask myself a question like that, my brain comes up with answers like:Because


Forward to normal

'We can't go back. We can never go back!''I know! And I keep hearing people say it!'^^This was a snippet from a conversation my good friend Yinka and I had the other day.How many times have you heard


3 top tips to get book reviews on Amazon

Watch the video here: Listen to the podcast here:It feels like banging your head against a brick wall.You’ve written a great book, you’re getting wonderful feedback on it, people are contacting

Couple kissing

Lusty Books: The 7 Deadly Sins of Writing a Book

Watch the video here: Listen to the podcast here:Lust is greed; love is a giftThe punishment for lust, according to the Bible, is being smothered in fire and brimstone, which sounds pretty

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