Tag Archives for " Calendar May 2022 "

Day 11: Student or teacher?

Do you prefer being a student or teacher?Why?Tricksy one, this. I love both.I love learning new stuff without the responsibility of teaching someone else… but I also know that I learn a TON when I’m


Day 10: Out of office

If you could write an out of office autoreply with no consequences, what would you write?I saw some really funny examples a while ago and it got me thinking.Most autoreplies are really dull or super-pretentious:I’m


Day 9: Where do lost socks go?

Simple question, really—and I’d like answers.Use your imagination.Let your thoughts run wild.Where DO lost socks go?Maybe it’s the purple sock eater.Maybe there is a wormhole in the washing machine,


Day 8: VE Day

It’s VE Day today—Victory in Europe, marking the end of World War II in Europe.Seems pretty poignant this year, what with Europe seemingly on the brink of World War III...So what does this bring


Day 7: Beer Pong Day

I only found out what Beer Pong is a few years ago.For the uninitiated, you stand at one end of a table, and a cup of beer stands at the other end. Then you bounce a ping pong ball along the table with


Day 6: No pants day

Look I have no idea what No Pants Day is but it made me chuckle.In the UK, pants are underwear. In America, pants are trousers.So... what does this prompt make you think of?For me, it makes me think


Day 5: Who do you want to be seen as?

We can’t control how other people perceive us, but imagining how they might see us can push us to become the type of person we want to be.How do you want people to see you?What type of a person—or


Day 4: May the Fourth be with you

Yes yes super nerdy I know but that’s today’s prompt: Star Wars Day.For that is what this day is.(Look out for another nerdy reference later on this month too…)Do you like Star Wars? Do you hate


Day 3: Keys

Keys are funny things.I love giant old-fashioned keys, the kind that look like they could unlock a castle, or a treasure chest. In computer games, I love picking up a key. What could it unlock?Today’s


Day 2: Where do you want to be next year?

I’m not very good at looking far into the future, but I do have a vague idea of where I’d like to be.So let me fling this question at you.Where would you like to be in life and/or your writing situation

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