Category Archives for Clients

Start from the End, My Friend

One of my fave writing quotes is from E. L. Doctorow:“Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”This is true.We

Angry face emoji on card held up in front of brick wall

Choose Rage

Choose rage. Choose a tantrum. Choose a fucking big shouty rant.(^^ You need to read the above in a strong Glasweigian accent à la Trainspotting for the full effect.)Because in a world of “positive

Wooden clown

Future You Will Thank You

“Why are you dithering?” said Joe.“Me? I’m not dithering,” said I.“Yes, you’re dithering. What are you doing?”“I have many things to do and I’m not doing them. Shout at me.”“I’m


You Can’t Edit a Blank Page

“You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” — Jodi PicoultWell yes, Jodi, that’s true of course. I 1,000% agree with you.But it’s easier said than done, amiright?When


But WHY are You Writing this Book?

Why are you writing your book?Is your Big Idea for your book setting your heart on fire? Do you feel butterflies when you think about creating it?I’m asking because your WHY is important.Not in an


Why Am I Not Writing When I Want To Write?

I’m sprawled on the sofa.It looks like I’m mindlessly scrolling Instagram, but what’s actually happening is screaming inside my head:“GET UP. GETUP GETUP GETUP. GET OFF THE SOFA AND GO AND WRITE


My Fave Piece of Terrible Writing Advice

I have a little compilation of shitty advice and information adults give to kids.Gems such as:“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Bitch words hurt the MOST so hush.And:“Do


What Does a Book Coach Actually DO Tho?

If you load the pics up there ^^ you’ll see what some fabulous folk have to say about writing a book.Specifically, a few words about how a book coach can help you crowbar your book out of your brain

Photo by Molly Blackbird on Unsplash

The 8 Deadly Sins of Basic Ass Nonfiction Books

People worry a lot about writing a boring-ass book.And when I say people, I mean me. I worry. About everything, all the time—but specifically, right now, about writing a basic-bitch book.I also worry


Why I Haven’t Written My Book Yet…

Why haven’t I written my next book yet?I have my reasons. Here are 26 of them…Arctic conditions. Look, I really hate being cold, okay? Have you ever tried to type when it’s so cold you can’t

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