Guest Info - James Pogson
NARRATIVE CLARITY: Telling the right stories - Selling You and Your Business - The right Way
Your stories matter don't they? Mine certainly do. My Business is being PERSONAL....
Aiming for your Heart, not your head. With a conversational flow, because YOU are your USP.
Show Notes
Ever wondered why Vicky bangs on about the importance of storytelling? Well, pull up a chair and open your ears and listen: this week, she interviews Black British narrative storyteller and humorist James Pogson. James is known informally as LinkedIn’s poet laureate and this week he spills an entire teapot about why it’s so important we get to hear individual stories and voices, especially from Black people and especially marginalised voices. It might get uncomfortable: that’s cool. Sit with it. Absorb it. Listen.
Key Points
- [1:25] This podcast might make you uncomfortable, but it’s an important topic about how Black people are treated in Britain and in society!
- [3:00] Why is it so important that people tell their stories?
- [4:30] James shares his experiences as a man ‘writing while Black’.
- [5:45] Black people are still fighting for their humanity.
- [9:40] How do we express our true selves at work and not suppress it?
- [11:40] What does James do and how does he help people tell their stories?
- [14:00] People just don’t know how to tell their stories.
- [17:35] James shares some of the common misconceptions people have about him ‘because he’s Black’.
- [22:20] When James had to put on a mask for Covid, he had a lot of internal conflict. Should he take it off to show he’s not a threat? Leave it on? Dilemma.
- [25:35] There are countless stories of white people telling stories that Black people were animals and savages.
- [29:00] James is in the process of writing a series of books! Stay tuned for more!
Mentioned in This Episode:
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About Vicky...
Vicky Fraser is the founder of Moxie Books and author of How The Hell Do You Write A Book and Business For Superheroes. She helps business owners write life-changing books, connect with readers and new customers, and grow their businesses. When she's not doing that, she's hanging from a trapeze by her feet.