Episode 255: Burning it Down with Rachael Kay Albers

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Guest Info - Rachael Kay Albers

I got sick of waiting for someone to offer me a “place at the table” so I built my own table, climbed on top, and danced like someone was watching…until they did.

And I just can’t save my best stuff for my 1:1 clients anymore. Which is why I’m here, waving my wand (see above) like your foul-mouthed fairy brandmother who believes in you, dammit!

Show Notes

Vicky sits down with the One Woman SNL of Biz Comedy, and real-live rainbow, Rachael Kay Albers to talk about everything that’s wrong with the business world, burning it all down, and how we can each start to build a better world and a better way—one tiny beetle step at a time. Tune in for monetising your pain, writing books for good reasons, and what the pandemic has done for creative types (which is all of us).

Key Points

  • [2:25] Who is Rachael and what does she do?
  • [5:25] After 12 years of working weekends, even working when her child was born, Rachael found herself burned out and unable to do ‘this’ anymore.
  • [7:15] Rachael decided to write her Me Too letter to her family, detailing the abuse she had experienced by them. She lost friends.
  • [10:25] Rachael is a business comedian, so it made sense that her book would also be a joke.
  • [12:40] “You need to calm down. You’re being too loud.”
  • [15:15] Having bad things happen to you is a gift.
  • [18:35] Even the super elite ‘rich people’ aren’t happy. They’re prisoners.
  • [20:15] Every creative Rachael knows is going through a huge renaissance right now.
  • [23:00] Rachael is upset that people with less privilege than her are struggling. She is standing up and fighting against this.
  • [25:00] You can’t change the world overnight, but you can take tiny steps towards making the world a better place.
  • [27:25] Once you know about the injustices in the world, it’s very hard to ‘go back to sleep’.
  • [30:25] The 9-5 doesn’t need to exist anymore.
  • [33:00] Don’t forget to pre-order Rachael’s book!

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Want to know more? I’ve written a book, you know. You can get your mitts on it here.

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About Vicky...

Vicky Fraser is the founder of Moxie Books and author of How The Hell Do You Write A Book and Business For Superheroes. She helps business owners write life-changing books, connect with readers and new customers, and grow their businesses. When she's not doing that, she's hanging from a trapeze by her feet.

About the Author Vicky Fraser
