Day 9: Book Lovers’ Day

I couldn’t ignore this one, could I?

I am a book lover. A lover of books. All types of books, but especially hardback books—beautifully printed and bound copies.

The stories inside, of course, are what move me… and if I find an author or a book I adore, I will buy it in paperback to re-read and drag around with me. And then I’ll buy it in hardback—possibly in more than one edition.

Take Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series: I have at least two copies of each of those books, and in some cases three or four. All different editions.

I have editions produced especially by the official Discworld shop. I have a Folio edition. I have new hardback editions with beautiful illustrations.

One day, my library will contain all of these and more.

And I appear to be under some illusion that I am a Time Lord: that I will have not only the time to read all these books that I keep buying, but also the space to store them. We’ll see…

Over to you.

What does Book Lovers’ Day prompt you to write about?

Happy writing!



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Notes in the Margin

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About the Author Vicky Fraser
