Joe and I have a 15-minute argument about who bears the responsibility for communication. Is it up to me to make myself understood, or you to understand? Tune in to find out who was right (Vicky) and who was wrong (Joe) and why. You'll also get the latest on Joe's progress through Wheel of Time, and why Anne Brontë was an absolute badass of a woman who was well ahead of her time and deserved all the good things.
Key Points
- [3:30] Can you tell whether a man or a woman writes a book?
- [7:50] Do you agree or disagree with Vicky and Joe on this one? Should it be on the teacher or on the student (to seek proactive resources) to learn a subject matter when they don’t fully understand it?
- [13:55] What have Vicky and Joe been doing in quarantine?
- [18:45] When writing a book, it’s critical you write a book your audience is going to understand and appreciate.
- [22:40] What color will Joe’s hair be next week? Tune in to find out!
Mentioned in This Episode:
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The Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Novel by Anne Brontë
This Is Your Brain on Music, by Daniel Levitin
Want to know more? I’ve written a book, you know. You can get your mitts on it here.
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About Vicky...
Vicky Fraser is the founder of Moxie Books and author of How The Hell Do You Write A Book and Business For Superheroes. She helps business owners write life-changing books, connect with readers and new customers, and grow their businesses. When she's not doing that, she's hanging from a trapeze by her feet.