December 6: 48 hours’ access to my Storytelling Masterclass (FREE!)

On the sixth day of it’s-nearly-holidays-woo, I give to you…

A treat and a half!

Access to my Storytelling Masterclass (delivered live, recording never shared beyond those who attended live) for 48 hours only.

This link will self-destruct in two days so don’t miss out.

By the end of the masterclass you will:

  • Be able to read rags-to-riches stories without worrying about whether you’re interesting enough
  • Understand why tiny stories matter
  • Believe that YOUR story matters
  • Know what to do so you never run out of stories
  • Understand the difference between a story and an anecdote
  • Know how to harness the crucial principles of great storytelling
  • Have your own tiny story that matters

So get cracking!

This 90-minute masterclass is NOT available for download, but you do have two days to watch it.


Writing prompt

And now for your daily writing prompt.

Think of a movie or book you hated — what about it didn’t work?

(My guess — they fudged the story)

Mebbe take a look at my masterclass, and then write a little about why movies or books you’ve experienced didn’t work for you.

Dig into it.

Take them apart.

It’s as valuable to figure out why you don’t like stuff as to figure out why you do…

Set a timer for 5 minutes and write, baby!



p.s. Connect with me on Instagram and share your experience with the community. Share your writing if you want to—we'd love to read it! Tag @tinybeetlesteps and follow the hashtags #moxieDECEMBER and #tinybeetlesteps

p.p.s. If Instagram isn't your thing, you can also find me on LinkedIn and Twitter, and use those hashtags there too!

Notes in the Margin

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About the Author Vicky Fraser
