Day 2: Your favourite body part

I don’t know about you, but I spend an inordinate amount of time focusing on my perceived flaws.

Like, my ears. One is approximately 47x bigger than the other, and they are wonky.

My husband didn’t notice until I pointed it out, then he helpfully told me that I am “just like Nemo! I don’t know how you can walk in a straight line!”

(IMPORTANT NOTE: my husband and I roast each other all the time and laugh a LOT. He also thinks I’m beautiful. But ridiculous. Hence this.)

And I have hairy big toes.

So those are the things I focus on.

But do you know what? I have a FANTASTIC bum. That’s my favourite body part. That and my arms. I have good strong arms.

So, today’s prompt is important.

Let’s focus on what we love about ourselves.

Body part by body part.

Just kidding see yourself as a whole beautiful human please but also what is your favourite body part? Why?

Set a timer for 5 minutes and write away.

Happy writing!



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Notes in the Margin

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About the Author Vicky Fraser
