Blank Page to Book in 90 Days: LIVE Online Course with Vicky Fraser
Discover why a book is the ultimate way to bring the clients you want to your door — and how to write a life-changing book of your own in just 90 days
Get on the Waiting List
2021 Cohort: Live Blank Page to Book in 90 Days Course registrations open on June 19, 2020 at 3 pm BST. For details on the course, read below.
I will be accepting only 20 people.
Course goes live: Early 2021.
Want to stop chasing clients and get them to chase you instead?
Chasing new business leaves most of us cold — and it’s the hardest way to win new clients. We join the bellowing crowds on social media, blending into the background and shouting into the void. We send emails and sales letters, put out brochures and videos and webinars.
And we struggle: for attention, to stand out, to make an impact.
In our struggle to be heard, we simply end up shouting louder… and our potential clients switch off. Turn away. Because nobody wants noisy sales messages in their faces every day.
Yet most business owners slog away at sales miserably—or, worse, do no real marketing at all. After all, we didn’t sign up to be salespeople.
We started our businesses to help people.
There are plenty of people out there who need our help… so where are they?
They’re hiding.
Because most people hate a hard sell and most business owners hate doing the hard sell. But businesses need clients so an air of desperation creeps in—and the more we try to sell, the more our potential clients resist us. They don’t buy—or they put off buying for as long as possible and only make the purchase grudgingly.
Why people don’t buy now
There are a couple of reasons why clients might put off buying from you.
The first is simply that they’re not ready yet. They want what you’re offering, but now’s not the right time.
The second reason is they’re not convinced you’re the right person to help them. They aren’t sure about your credibility, your expertise, or your reputation.
In other words: they don’t know you, they don’t like you, and they don’t trust you—yet. All they can see right now is another noisy sales pitch yelling to be heard. What you need is a way to whisper reassuringly in their ear.
Why a book helps you whisper reassuringly in their ears
A book will help you get the right kind of attention from the right kind of clients—and it’ll build a trusting relationship faster than almost anything else (save face-to-face meetings).
Books don’t sell; they educate. They entertain. They inform.
They don’t shout frantically; they whisper.
A book is there 24/7, like a trusty friend, ready to answer every question a potential client may have—and it’ll answer those questions in the most intimate situations: in the bath, in bed, snuggled up under a blanket with a cup of tea.
Books provide stories and different perspectives, helping people to make decisions and solve problems.
Books are a sign of true expertise—after all, if you can write a good book, you must be an expert in the subject. There’s a reason why the cliché goes “she wrote the book on the subject”.
And books give us an insight into who the author is. What type of person they are. Their personality, their values, and their quirks. A book can tell us enough about someone to make the decision that we want to work with them. We don’t need the hard sell.
Instead, a book gives people enough information about you to enable them to choose you—instead of your competition.
But aren’t there tons of books out there on my topic?
Maybe. Maybe not. But here’s the very crucial point: they’re not by you. Those books don’t contain your personality, your unique skills and experiences. Even if what you do is highly regulated or formulaic, remember this: people do business with people. We want to know who’s behind the companies we choose to trust with our money.
After we know what you do and how you can help us, we want to know: why you and not someone else?
Your book helps us to make a decision about what to do next. Who to trust.
Your book will be something your clients want to read. It will change their lives for the better. And it’ll do it with sass, personality, and without any pushy selling.
Bingo! Suddenly you’re not the shiny-suited salesman everyone scrambles to avoid; you’re the educator and entertainer. You become the fun one who everyone wants to hang out with.
Think of your book as the Netflix of marketing: instead of boring facts stuffed into an article, you’re giving people stories, drama, action, and feelings. You’re giving people something they want to read—and because of that, they’ll want more of you.
Introducing: The Blank Page to Book in 90 Days LIVE Course with Vicky Fraser
Have you thought about writing a book before, but shied away because you had no clue where to start? Have you started and stopped a dozen times, then given up in frustration as the Blank Page of Doom defeated you? Does the idea of writing a Whole Damn Book just make you want to crawl under your duvet and never come out, because writing a whole book is kinda overwhelming?
Perhaps you’ve looked at other business owners who have written a book and thought, ‘I could do that!’… but something’s stopping you.
Or maybe you’re afraid you’ll write a book, put it out there, and nobody will buy it. Even worse: they’ll buy it and hate it because you feel like you’re not expert enough to write a book.
Perhaps you feel like you don’t have time—that writing a brilliant book will be a mammoth task that’ll suck all the life out of you when you’re busy already.
If so, you’re in the right place—because I have felt all those things before. I’ve started and stopped and crawled into a hole and abandoned entire manuscripts—and every time I release a book into the wild I am terrified.
And because of that, I know exactly what to do to help you get from Blank Page to Book faster than you ever thought possible.
By the time you finish this course, if you put in the work, you’ll have completed the first draft of your new book. Not only that—you’ll have everything you need to polish your draft and make it magnificent, create a winning cover, and get it ready for publishing.
But what about The Fear?
The fear that you’re not a good writer. That you don’t know enough about publishing and books and how to start this project. That you don’t know enough about your topic to write a whole book on it. That people will judge you and mock you and you’ll look ridiculous.
Well, let me tell you: The Fear never goes away, but that’s okay as long as we don’t let it stop us from doing cool things. You and I can write a great book anyway.
Come with me. Let me tell you some stories…
“I was doing a lot of research on how to write a book, but I was really struggling with just getting started.”
I tried a number of techniques to get going. One was to just sit and write, which didn’t go very well for me. I even pre-ordered 1,000 printed copies of my book. 1,000 copies with no words in them!
I thought, “If I buy the books, that’ll kick me into getting on with writing the book.” It didn’t, and I still struggled and bumbled along until New Year’s Eve 2015, when Vicky was closing her original Published In 90 Days course.
I just thought, you know what? I like this lady. I like her emails, I trust her, and I’ve never been one for regretting things anyway. I thought Vicky’s course was what I needed to help get me over the start line with this book.
“I was trying to make my business more exclusive, so I could stand out from the competition”
Back in 2015, I had finally grocked how marketing works, and what you have to do to create a premium business. I’d started to implement a lot of things like premium pricing, and premier positioning, and expert status. I was trying to make my business more exclusive, so I could stand out from the competition.
I was building a list and starting to sell online dog training programmes, and I got to the point where I thought, oh, do you know what? I think writing a book is the next thing I need to do.
So I wrote My Dog’s Superhero—then I wrote three more books, with my fifth book coming out at the end of 2019. And another came out at the end of March 2020.
I wrote that first book in 2016, but I started writing it in 2015. I knew what I needed to do, and I knew what the book was going to do for me and what I needed it to do for my business.
There’s nothing wrong with being a starry-eyed author, but I knew I wasn’t writing a book to become a best-seller, or just because I wanted to get some stuff off my chest or only because I had a story to tell.
Although I did have a story to tell, in the end.
At the time of writing my first book, if you’d said, “Write a book”, my underpants would have tightened. It’s like, “oh shit. Well, I can’t do that!”
I think the funny thing about writing a book is that, unless you’re getting someone to actually ghostwrite the thing for you, you do have to step up and do all the work yourself. Vicky has given me a lot of help, but if you’re going to do this, you have to understand that you’ve got to do it. I felt like I wasn’t frightened of hard work. I was prepared to put that work in. I just needed to be shown which way to go.
Keeping It Simple
I think it was the structure that was stopping me from writing. I wasn’t able to do that, and Vicky's course really simplified it. It simplified the whole process for me. I’m big, huge fan of finding a way to simplify everything: dog training, marketing stuff, writing a book…
She broke down things like the introduction—how it’s really important. How you start a chapter, how you finish a chapter. Then once I got that, I felt I was at the races.
I think Vicky delivered the course in a way that is a perfect example of how people should write their books. She delivered the course with stories, and examples, and bits of humour.
She's not just telling, she's showing and telling at the same time. Thinking back to it now, I can remember driving around and listening to her deliver the course and she just painted a very easy picture of how to do it.
Some of the later stuff in the course, like the marketing side of things, I knew a lot about already, but it was still really beneficial to see how to implement the marketing for the book. Because it’s one thing having a book, then it’s another thing marketing it, isn’t it? It’s easier to market if you write the book with the marketing in mind. All the pieces matter as they say in The Wire.
My Book In Just Over Three Months
I liked the fact that I got it done in... it probably took me slightly longer than three months. But at the time, I was building up the membership and stuff as well.
I liked the structure of the course. I liked the way it held my hand through the whole process. I liked the fact that I was able to get feedback from Vicky. When I gave her my introduction to look over, and then she gave me feedback on it, that was enough for me to then have the confidence to go on and write the rest of the book.
I think it was good to have that reassurance that I was on the right track, and Vicky helped me with everything really along the way: the cover, the title, and then how I spun it off afterwards.
My First Book Put Me On The Map
The first book, How To Be Your Dog’s Superhero, really did put me on the map in a way that I don’t think anything else would have been able to do. I started public speaking after I published it, for example. So the book and the speaking started at kind of the same time.
Those things together really helped to put me out there, and define me. It showed people what type of dog trainer I was, what type of person I was looking to help, and what type of people I wanted to work with. The book helped me with that straight away.
I can remember at the time people talking about it… The book was getting mentioned on social media by quite well-respected dog trainers, who certainly wouldn’t have known anything about me if I hadn’t written a book.
I had an interesting conversation with one of my clients in my Pet Business Inner Circle, and they were talking about starting a podcast. As I always do, I questioned it: why do you want to do that? The answer was something along the lines of, well, it’s to help me to put my name out there and showcase my expertise. If you’ve got a radio show, then you put some experts on. I didn’t disagree with any of that at all.
However, you can’t compare a podcast to a book. My client was ready to write a book really. They didn’t feel like they were ready, but I was trying to show them they were. I said: look, don’t kid yourself that having a podcast is the same as having a book because it isn’t. I have two podcasts and a book, and I know which one I’d rather have.
Lots of my clients are cracking their books out with a lot of help from Vicky at my events or through taking Vicky’s course. I think there’s three or four of them now who have either written their book or they’re currently writing it.
Smashing Through The Plateau
You can build your business up to a certain level, and increase your prices a certain amount. You can promote yourself a lot more, and differentiate yourself from the competition.
But then it gets to to a point where you need something else, when you get stuck on a plateau. Well, a book is one of the things that gives you that “something else”. Once you’ve got a book you’ve cemented the expert status you already have, and your book is a huge differentiator for you. Plenty of people talk about writing a book, but not that many people actually do it.
The book immediately changed my business and changed people’s thoughts about me. It’s opened so many other doors as well.
I’m not saying all of these things happened solely because of the book, but the book has been instrumental in enabling them.
If you write the right kind of book, which you will if you get Vicky’s help, then you’ll discover all these doors you currently can’t see in your business. And you’ll enjoy opening them and having a peek inside and seeing which ones you want to go through.
I definitely noticed a difference in my confidence levels when I wrote my book—and I’ve noticed the same thing with my clients who are writing their books, even when they’re just starting the process. I notice a big shift in my clients’ mentality when they work on their books. That confidence is infectious, isn’t it? And it’s attractive to people who might want to work with you.
One Of The Best Investments I’ve Ever Made
When Vicky’s course came along, I was humming and hawing about it. I was wondering whether to sign up for this thing or not. Would it be worth it? I needn’t have worried because it was more than worth it and it’s paid for itself many, many times over.
I felt like I knew Vicky, which I didn’t, back then. But that feeling was reassuring for me. I didn’t feel like I was going to get diddled or anything.
Vicky’s book course is probably one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my business.
The biggest obstacle to writing a book is a lack of confidence. Can you write? Do you know enough? Will anyone read it—or care?
That lack of confidence leads to procrastination and woe. I will teach you how to write your book with great confidence, at a speed that suits you.
Add a hefty dose of your personality to your skills and experience, and watch your book come alive and captivate your readers.
Blank Page to Book in 90 Days is designed to:
- 1Take you from the Blank Page of Doom to finished first draft (or beyond)—so you’re ready to polish your manuscript before publishing
- 2Build your confidence as a writer
- 3Help you write a captivating book that draws in just the right readers and has them begging for more
I use a simple system to achieve this.
Tiny Beetle Steps
I talk about Tiny Beetle Steps because sometimes, baby steps are too big. How often have you taken a course and quickly found yourself falling behind because the “small steps” on the course are too big?
Experts sometimes forget how much they know, and how much the rest of us don’t (it’s a cognitive bias called the curse of knowledge, in which we assume our audience knows as much as we do).
I haven’t forgotten what it was like to stare at my first ever Blank Page of Doom, and how gargantuan that first step felt.
So in this course, my tiny steps really are tiny steps. You won’t be left behind.
Show and Tell
I don’t know about you, but it’s not enough for me to hear how to do something; I need to see it, too. When I’m learning a new move on the trapeze, I find it almost impossible to do it when someone talks me through it.
But if they show me and tell me, I get it much faster.
The same principle holds true when it comes to writing a book. You want to see examples of what’s good so you can model it—and that’s what I give you. You won’t just look at those examples, though; we break them down and I show you the different components, how the writer likely wrote that piece, and how you can model it to build your writing skills.
Writing with Moxie
Lack of confidence is the single biggest reason most people never write their book. They may cite lack of time, lack of ideas, not knowing how to start, or not knowing how to publish… but ultimately it comes down to a lack of confidence.
You do know enough, you do have time, and I will show you how to start and how to publish—and along the way, you’ll discover that writing a book is the biggest booster to your self-confidence and expertise you can find.
You won’t just come out of this course with a book; you’ll come out of it with a new-found sense of who you are, what you can do, and the impact you can make on the world.
The Moxie Framework
This course is called Blank Page to Book in 90 Days—and that blank page is a doozie. I call it the Blank Page of Doom because it’s like Mount Doom in The Lord of the Rings: so big it’s almost inconceivable we could climb it.
But you don’t need to climb it all in one go. What you need is a framework to work within. Frameworks don’t stifle creativity; quite the opposite.
And don’t worry about a framework making you write a cookie-cutter book that’s just like everyone else’s; it’s not that type of framework. It’s a simple tool to remove the fear of starting, so you can just start. I’ll show you how to break that blank page down into the crucial components you need to write well—without losing your voice and personality.
Vicky Fraser is one of those rare creatures who can and has done, and also knows how to teach you how to do it. Moreover she is peculiarly well fitted to do so, because the writing she started her career with is perhaps most difficult of all: Persuading people to buy things. But Vicky adds something extra. She is funny. You cannot be bored into learning. She makes it fun. Good luck with your book!
Drayton Bird
Bristol, UK
Vicky Fraser knows exactly how to cut through the bullshit of book writing, calm your inner dickhead, and give you a step by step approach for writing and publishing a book. If you ever get the chance to work with her... jump at it. You’ll never regret the investments that lead you to become a best-selling author but you will always regret an unwritten book.
Misty Mozejko
Toronto, Canada
There are several book writing gurus out there but Vicky is the best. She gives excellent, down-to-earth, easily followable advice that takes you step-by-step through how to write your own book. Vicky is honest about how much work it will take and is open about the pitfalls you will face, but she also tells you step-by-step how to succeed through the adversities you’re bound to face. Her quirky character shines through—it feels as if she is actually there beside you, pushing you through the dense forest of procrastination and guiding you around the many potholes of failed previous writing attempts.
Carol Clark: The Doggy Doctor
Newtownards, Northern Ireland
A Quick Look at What You'll Learn
Who is this Course For?
This course is for anyone who wants to write a non-fiction book for their business and use it to change the way their business works. It’s for anyone who wants to level up.
It’s for business owners who want to write a book this year. Now. Not “one day”. And not just a marketing-exercise, book-in-a-box, glorified-business-card book, either. This is for business owners who know their worth and who have a story to tell which they know will change lives.
It’s for anyone who wants to write a book to elevate themselves and their business, and to grow their business—but who also wants their book to be among the best in their industry.
You don’t have to be an expert writer—or even consider yourself a writer at all. Your inner writer will come out during this course. I promise. I’ve taught people who’ve been writing for years, as well as people who’ve barely written anything, and they’ve all been amazed at what they’re capable of. This course is for people who consider themselves to be “not a writer” as well as for seasoned writers.
It’s for people who want to leave a legacy that’ll outlast them. A book that will keep working for them and changing lives for years to come.
There will be business owners from all types of industries and backgrounds on this course, and you will learn a lot from each other. This course will move you along the road from blank page to wonderfully written book, and it’ll build your confidence in your abilities as you go.
“I'd started writing my book... then I hit a wall.”
I had started writing my book, Hack The Buyer Brain, and I’d hit a wall. I wasn’t sure if what I had done was the right thing, or if I was just writing a bunch of crap in a crappier format.
I’m the kind of person who does a lot of research on how to do things (bit of procrastination in there). I’d looked at tonnes of resources, and none of them were any good. The things that were for business books were awful, and the fiction book advice wasn’t applicable.
I just really needed help to get unstuck, and out of my own way.
"It's not enough just to have a book; it needs to be worthwhile"
If Vicky had even remotely been like any of the other resources, spouting nonsense about a business book just being the best business card you’ll ever have and that no one will read it anyway – I would have run a mile.
There is so much rubbish advice out there about the positioning a book will magically give you, even if the book is crap.
The fact of the matter is, your book needs to be good too. It’s not enough to just have a book, it needs to be worthwhile, else you’re never going to get clients.
"She gave me the confidence to feel good about my book"
Instead, not only did Vicky give me a brilliant bit of advice that got me unstuck and writing again, but she helped me make my book a good book. She held my hand every step of the way. She validated my ideas, and saw through my fears and concerns to give me the insights, advice and kicks up the bum I needed.
She made my book a good book – but more than that, she gave me the confidence to feel good about my book. I have that confidence now not because she’s built me some kind of false ego like some wanky coaches do, but because she helped craft something I can be truly proud of. I have a good book – and that’s all Vicky’s fault.
"I never had to justify myself"
Weirdly, the thing I love the most about Vicky's process is that I never had to justify myself. Sometimes you have to explain why you’re riddled with anxiety, or that yes I know I’m procrastinating but it’s because it’s part of my routine and and and…
When other people don’t get that, you feel like you're just a bit odd, and when they have never been where you’ve been, you fall into an awful lot of justification behaviour. Vicky gets it. She knows and she has all the little tricks and tips to help get you unstuck.
She’s also immensely knowledgeable and talented, helping me navigate through all the intricacies of getting a book published and out there. I would have been lost without her.
"I saved huge amounts of time"
I saved huge amounts of time by getting help from Vicky. She was able to redirect me in a fraction of the time it would have taken me to figure it out myself. And the end result is 10x better than it would have been.
Going through this process also actually saved me money. If I had wasted all my time trying to do it all myself without direction, it would have been productive time down the drain. It would also have meant way more down-time being used up, I have precious little spare time as it is. To be able to spend that on things that are important to me and allow me to function best at work, is priceless. It saved me buying all the courses out there that are awful, and stopped me from buying all the books…
And, of course, there's the sanity it gave me. I can’t quantify the emotional aspect, aside from to say that Vicky gave me the confidence to launch. And that alone is worth 10x the price I’ve paid.
"She knows her shit"
I can wholeheartedly recommend Vicky, her book, her workshops, her course, and her services. I have recommended her to other authors and I will do time and time again.
The financial, time and emotional return on investment I have had has been phenomenal. She knows her shit and she’ll help you craft a book you can be proud of.
"It's changed everything"
The help Vicky has given me in getting Hack the Buyer Brain together has meant that for three months I’ve had nearly two interviews a week about the book.
I sold enough books on my prelaunch to pay for the first print run. I sold out of my first print run within a month. Within two months I sold over 300 copies – most authors will only sell 250 in their lifetime.
I did my first book signing at an event I was invited to speak at, where people queued for 45 mins to have their copy personally signed, and we sold out of all copies bought.
I have two brand new clients who have come directly through the book – both of whom came to me within a day of reading the book.
I have consistent 5-star ratings and reviews so far, and I know of two groups that have used the book as a book club read. I’ve recently won an award for Outstanding Contribution to my field as a result of the content of the book – which officially makes it an award-winning book.
It’s also been made required reading for the Content Marketing Academy, as well as part of the syllabus for two universities in the UK.
I get consistent compliments and messages from readers who have said it’s changed everything for them. People are starting to get results from the content too. And as a result of all this, I cannot rave enough about what Vicky has done.
The Struggle to Write is Real—And I’ve Felt it
There’s this myth that writers—people who write for a living, like me—don’t struggle. That we sit down and words just flow out of our brains and onto the paper.
Occasionally—very, very occasionally on magical days—that happens.
But mostly, it’s hard work.
And sometimes, it feels impossible.
I’ve stared at the Blank Page of Doom in desperation for hours before. I’ve had tears of frustration running down my face and pooling in my collarbones because I can’t find the right words.
Hell, I took myself all the way to Turkey for a little private retreat on my own to write a book… and wrote the grand total of 2,809 words then went to the beach. That’s not a book. That’s barely a long-form article. There’s a Book Graveyard hidden in my MacBook and it holds my secret shame: that I, too, have started and not finished at least four books (that I remember).
On some days, I want to do almost anything other than write.
Now I turn out several books a year…
And yet, I’ve written two books of my own with a third on the way—and I’ve ghostwritten 11 books for my clients. Plus countless articles and a load of mini-books and newsletters.
Despite all that struggle, I write—a lot. I write faster than I ever thought I could. And I write well.
This isn’t about churning out an adequate book super-fast to tick a marketing checkbox. There are plenty of people out there who’ll serve you a “book in a box” or a 3-day wonder. That’s not for me.
I don’t want a rushed, slapdash book. And I don’t want a book that looks and sounds like everyone else’s. Nor do you, I suspect, or you wouldn’t be reading this.
And, of course, all the books I write are sources of endless content: articles, podcast episodes, videos, products, training courses, emails…
It’s not just books I’m writing. It’s content to fulfil a whole business strategy. The whole point of my books and the content I create around the books is to draw people into my world. People who are interested in writing books and who are interested in me – and who want to learn from me, not someone else.
Your book can do that for you, too. It could bring you exactly the type of client you want to work with and open doors you never even knew were there.
But of course, you could put off writing your book for another year…
Could you do this course later?
I won’t be running the live version of this course again until 2021. So why not now? As my friend and client Misty says: you’ll never regret the time you spent writing your book. But you’ll always regret an unwritten book.
Here are a few reasons why you might want to wait:
1. It’s not the right time. You’re busy now, and you won’t be later.
You will be busy later, you’re a business owner! I know because I have missed out on great opportunities because “it’s not the right time”. And I’ve regretted it.
The time is never “right”. We’re never ready to write a book. There’ll always be something else to do, something else going on. But if you’ve been saying for months or years that you want to write a book for your business, make now the time you do it. You get ready by feeling the fear and doing its anyway.
Unless there’s genuinely a crisis going on in your life (and you know what I mean when I say that), there’s no better time than now to do this course and write your book. If you do the work, in three months you’ll have at least the first draft of your book in your hands.
Next year, you’ll be that much further along, with a book in your hand and all the opportunities you’ll be able to take advantage of.
2. It’s too hard.
A lot of people will give you the idea that something is easy-peasy just to get you to sign up: learn this simple technique or follow this formula, and magically a book will appear! I’m not going to sugar-coat things and tell you fibs just to get you to sign up: writing a book is hard and this course is hard work. It’s a challenge.
But it’s not as hard as you think and you are more than capable of finishing the course and writing a fantastic book.
Maybe the fact that it isn’t easy will put you off. That’s fair enough.
But if you’re up for a challenge, remember this: you will not be doing this on your own. This is not a course you sign up for, then struggle through solo.
There’s a lot of work to do and you’ll get a lot of assignments, but I will be there every step of the way, giving you feedback and encouragement and showing you how to improve and take the next step.
We mostly see people’s finished works of art: their books, their paintings, their dance moves. But we don’t see all the hard work that goes on in the background. The more we only see the results, the more we believe “but I’m not a writer and you have to be a writer to write a book”. This course will take you through the process that will make you a writer and you will come out of it with a great book.
Nothing brilliant ever comes easily. But it will absolutely be worth it: your skills, confidence, and motivation will soar.
3. You’re not a good enough writer.
You probably are. But even if you’re not, this course will make you a good enough writer. Contrary to popular belief, good writers aren’t born, they practise. It’s the same with sports people, musicians, painters.
The brilliant thing about this course is that you will write every single day, and you will get feedback every single day, and you will improve. If you do the work, you can’t not improve.
Talent is made, not born.
And by the time we’re finished, if you can push through the limiting beliefs you’ve learned from teachers, parents, peers, and from your own brain, you won’t just become a good writer and a published author, you’ll become a more confident human.
This course is not for people who make excuses. It’s for people who are serious about writing their book and who are willing to commit the time, energy, and effort into doing the work.
If you do the work, you will become the author of your own book: simple as that.
You won’t be given hundreds of pages of information and asked to write notebooks full of notes. This is a practical course and you will be learning by doing. I will work you hard and if you make the time and throw yourself into it, I promise you’ll have fun—and you'll come out of this with not only your book, but with a new skill.
Let’s go through the details of the course, starting with some of the topics we’re covering:
- 1Coming up with ideas: you may have a Big Idea already, or you may want to write a book but you’re not sure about what. Either way, you’ll work through a process to come up with your Big Idea and then refine it and narrow it down, so your book does exactly what you want it to do
- 2Beating the Blank Page of Doom: "writer’s block" can strike at any time while you’re writing a book. You’ll find out why writer’s block is a myth and how you can make sure you’re able to write whenever you want—no more Blank Page of Doom!
- 3Outlines and frameworks: how to outline and plan your book in detail so when you sit down to write, it comes more easily than you ever thought possible
- 4Your first and last 100 words: make sure readers are hooked instantly—and never want to stop reading with a fascinating starting point. Then end on a high and leave your readers satisfied—yet wanting more
- 5Writing and editing skills: how to write in such a way that your readers are swept along with your narrative, and feel exactly what you want them to feel, when you want them to feel it. Then how to edit your work so it’s fit to be seen and loved by your readers
- 6Asking for action: unlike fiction, your business book has three specific jobs to do—to get your reader to where they want to be, to help you position yourself as an expert, and to help you grow your business. You’ll learn how to lead your reader onto the next step
- 7Storytelling: how to use stories to highlight and illustrate your points, and draw your reader into your emotional journey
- 8What works and what doesn’t: we’ll dig into other books so you can see examples of what works well and what doesn’t, so you can model it for your book
- 9Covers and blurbs: it doesn’t matter how great the inside of your book is—if the cover doesn’t work, nobody will read it. So you’ll learn all about how to design a great cover and write blurb on the back that people can’t put down
Frequently Asked Questions
- 1
- 2Is there a syllabus? Can I see it?
- 3What materials will I need?
- 4How do you run the course?
- 5How much time will I need to set aside every day?
- 6Is there a money-back guarantee?
- 7Are you sure I don’t need to be a great writer to do this course?
- 8How do I join? Where do I pay?
- 9I’ve already done the self-study course Published In 90 Days. How is this different?
1. When does it begin and how long does it last?
The course starts on August 3 and runs for 13 weeks, ending on October 30.
August 3, 2020 — September 11, 2020 Phase 1
September 12, 2020 — September 20, 2020 Study Break
September 21, 2020 — October 30, 2020 Phase 2
2. Is there a syllabus? Can I see it?
Absolutely. You can download the syllabus here. It changes every year, so please download the latest version.
3. What materials will I need?
You’ll need pens and paper, and access to a computer and word processing program of some kind. You may want a voice recorder—most modern smartphones have one built in now.
4. How do you run the course?
I run the course using a combination of Slack and the course website. You’ll get all your assignments through the course website, and also via Slack, which is where you’ll post your work. Don’t worry if you’ve never used Slack before, you’ll get instructions on how to access and use everything.
It’d be great if you had a Facebook profile so you can share your work, but this isn’t compulsory. If you don’t want anyone outside the course to read your work, you don’t have to share it. But you’ll find that by showing your writing to others, you’ll get loads of praise and encouragement, which is super-motivating.
You’ll get daily assignments from Monday to Friday (you get the weekends off) based on weekly lessons. You’ll learn something new each week, and each assignment will involve actually writing your book, so you make progress on it every single day.
There are 3 live Q&A calls throughout the course, in mid-August, mid-September, and mid-October. If you can’t make the calls live, you can submit your question and then watch the recording later.
I will check your work every day and provide feedback fast so you keep going in the right direction.
You’ll get very clear instructions on how to do everything. So if there’s something you’re not sure about, we can and will help you.
5. How much time will I need to set aside each day?
Honestly, it depends on how fast you want to write your book. I recommend budgeting at least 1 hour per day to read and work through the assignment. You’ll probably find that on some days you get into the flow and work for much longer.
But if you can only spare 30 minutes one day, that’s great! You can accomplish a lot even in just 15 minutes. So if you don’t think you’ll be able to spare that much time, don’t let it put you off. Books are written in Tiny Beetle Steps.
The important thing is to come back every day and do the work. Writing a book is about habits and repetition, and becoming a good writer is about daily practice.
You’ll start to enjoy it and look forward to the time you set aside to write—especially when you see how much progress you’re making.
6. Is there a money-back guarantee?
This course runs live, with daily feedback and help from me. If you put the work in and do the assignments, you will finish this course with at least a good proportion of your book complete, if not the entire first draft.
We know that if you work consistently, the results will come. So, no, there’s no money-back guarantee for this course.
Before you make a decision, read back through what my previous students have said about working with me. And if you want to talk to any of them about doing the course, simply email me and I’ll put you in touch.
And of course if you have any questions about the course and whether it’s right for you, you can book a 15 minute call with me here and ask me anything.
What if I can’t attend anymore and want to opt-out?
If you have to leave the course because of an emergency, I’ll refund your money PROVIDED someone on the waiting list takes your place.
7. Are you sure I don’t need to be a great writer to do this course?
Absolutely! Dom, one of my first book-writing course students, never considered himself to be a writer at all, let alone a great one. He’s now the author of 6 books and is at the top of his industry. I’ll teach you everything you need to know to write a great book—and you will become a better writer as you work.
8. How do I join? Where do I pay?
If you want to join the course, I’m delighted! Hurrah! You can get on the waiting list for the 2020 course here.
The reason I run a waiting list is that the course is very limited in numbers. (It has to be, so everyone can get access to my personalised help.)
Once you’re on the waiting list, you’ll get first dibs to book the course before I open it up to my whole email list. If you’d like to get on the waiting list for 2020, click here.
When I open up the registration page on June 19, you’ll be able to pay and secure your place.
9. I’ve already done the self-study course Published in 90 Days. How is this different?
Unlike the self-study course, the live course focuses on getting you to take Tiny Beetle Steps every day. It’s all about creating a writing community that encourages you to write and show your work every day.
On the self-study course, you set your own timetable and work through the course at your own pace and without any extra guidance or feedback.
On this live course, you get assignments from me daily, which you complete and post in the group for feedback. This way, you make progress on your book every day and get daily feedback from me and your fellow students.
And you get to join our live Q&A calls during which you can ask me and your fellow students anything about writing and self-publishing your book.
Outstanding Results
I’ve designed this course to help you create outstanding results. Too many courses firehose information at you, wave you off fondly, and leave you to it. Not so with this one: I and your fellow writers are right there with you, every step of the way.
It’s a hands-on course. You’re doing the work, daily, and I’m assessing you, daily. There’s plenty of courses out there that’ll simply give you the information and leave you to it. That’s not what this is about.
My aim is to turn you into a master communicator with the confidence to share your message with the world.
You’ll get comfortable with making mistakes and creating a Shitty First Draft—because that’s the only way we learn and get better. I’ll help you make mistakes in the most efficient way possible so you learn from them fast, and get the book that’s in your head out onto paper.
If you’re not fully committed to writing your book, this isn’t the course for you. If you are, though, and you’re ready to elevate your business to the next level and become someone the world wants to listen to, you’re perfect for this course.
This isn’t about becoming an average writer. It’s not about producing a glorified business card. It’s about become a fantastic, confident writer, who can grab and hold people’s attention, and help them create real change in their lives.
This course will help you write a book you can be proud of.
There are much cheaper book-writing courses out there. This one isn’t cheap because it’s designed so I can give you as much hands-on help as possible, every step of the way. It’s designed to make the most of your time and investment, so you get as much out of the course as you possibly can.
Why This Course is Different
Rather than a huge thick textbook of notes to download and wade through, you’ll be given exactly what you need to make steady, constant progress on your book every day in a group learning environment. You’ll be carrying out a short assignment every day. And you’ll get feedback from me and your fellow students on your work, every day.
You’re never alone.
There are no excuses on this course: it’s about deep practice, a willingness to make mistakes—and a willingness to learn from them and fix them fast.
And by the time you’re done, if you put in the work required, you will have the vast majority of your first draft written—if not the entire thing. And you’ll be in an excellent position to work on that first draft and edit it into something you can send out to beta readers.
You will learn a new skill or improve your existing skills—and you’ll have a tangible result at the end of it: your book.
Splendid and Valuable Bonuses (Available with the Premium Option)
- 13 months personal email support after the course finishes (worth £200). Your work won’t end when the course ends—but I don’t want you to grind to a halt. So you’ll be able to ask me anything about editing or polishing for 3 months after the course ends.
- 23 extra live Q&A calls after the course finishes (worth £150). Community is incredibly valuable in making progress on big projects, and I want to keep the community we build together. You also learn a lot from hearing other people’s questions answered.
- 32 critiques by Vicky (worth £1,800). A full video critique of someone’s book retails at £900. You get two of them, to use strictly within 6 months of the course ending, so you can get input on improving your manuscript before you publish.
How Do I Buy Blank Page to Book in 90 Days—LIVE?
Eligibility: you must have read How The Hell Do You Write A Book. If you don’t own a copy yet, please don’t join the waiting list. This is important because it’ll give you all the knowledge you need to hit the ground running when the course starts.
I don’t want to spend too much time talking theory; I want to get you writing and taking action immediately.
If you have the book, you can join the waiting list below.
Get on the Waiting List
2021 Cohort: Live Blank Page to Book in 90 Days Course registrations open on June 19, 2020 at 3 pm BST. For details on the course, read below.
I will be accepting only 20 people.
Course goes live: Early 2021.
p.s. I’ve written three books of my own, ghostwritten 11 books for high-profile entrepreneurs, and taught or coached more than 40 business owners just like you to write a book of their own. This course is the result of my own processes, working with lots of different people in different ways, and learning from my mistakes so you don’t have to make the same ones.
p.p.s. I know this is a big investment, so if you have any questions at all, you can book a quick call with me by clicking this link. Ask me anything at all about the course, and we’ll get all your questions answered.